Ethics are at the core of our business.

Our factory “family” in Bali, Indonesia are at the core of our business ethics as we ensure to provide a fun, ethical and dynamic work environment. Our working conditions include:

  • Our company has a current certificate from the Department of Social Welfare and Labor in Denpasar, as we have fulfilled the following criteria:

    • Our company does not have any underage employees,

    • Our company pays above award salaries to our employees monthly exceeding the government regulations,

    • We pay sick leave, annual leave and pension to all of our direct employees.

  • Prayer and restrooms are provided for our employees.

  • Our factory is cleaned throughout the day with fans throughout and western standard toilets.

  • We are accredited by the Environment Agency in Denpasar, Bali for compliance with environmental standards.

  • We have a licensed garment manufacturer in Indonesia exceeding all government requirements.

  • We give the best we can to our team and expect the best in return.

  • Every garment manufactured is handmade by our factory family. We pride ourselves on partnering with clients who understand this and want to work with a manufacturing partner who can scale in the best possible time frames for handmade garments.

  • To us, ethical production also means understanding, compassion and patience. Balinese and broader Indonesian traditions, ceremonies and culture are embraced and nurtured in our workplace. We keep our client partners fully updated on how this may affect production time frames in certain parts of the year while always working out a way to meet important deadlines together.